To the right is Mirabilia's Fairy Moon. I am doing the wings in two shades of overdyed floss. The material for it I bought years ago and I don't remember who is the maker but it is a plum colored evenweave fabric.
To the upper right is L&L Angel of the Morning. I am doing it on PTPlus Fossil. I love using the Needle Paints that is called for in this pattern

This is Mirabilia's Mermaid of Atlantis. I am only going to do the mermaid part of the pattern. I have changed the color

This is L&L Dance of the Roses I do not particularly like yellow so I decided to change the colors in all of the design! Starting with the skirt part, I love the color 902 so I pulled all the colors in the 902 family and corresponded them with the colors called for in the skirt. The roses in the skirt are all different colors instead of all pink. Done on PTPlus Carnival.
These are all gorgeous, Paula. Thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration to us all!
Great pieces!!! All of them are so pretty and you are quite talented with changing the colors of everything. I am never that brave. I do like the looks of the handdyed hair colors though!!!
Thanks Felicity, I am trying to convey that you don't have to stick to what the designer has done as to fabric,floss.
Thanks Nancy, if there is one thing I like to do more is to change the pattern by way of colors. When I start a pattern, I look at it and say to myelf, "What can I change?" I don't like to do hair a few stitches of one color, a few stitches of another color so I go to my horde of overdyed floss and find one that will work with what I have in mind. A few times I have completely changed the color like in the Celtic Autumn, I thought red overdyed floss would look better then the browns.
Hi Paula
I like your new blog - and well done on all your WIPs. You really love all those large, adventurous designs don't you !!
These are beautiful! You motivate me and I love how you change the colors. I never am quite that brave.
Paula, you work is absolutely stunning.
Changing colors is easy,to do it, in Dance of the Roses, I pulled the colors in the skirt, I liked the color 902 so I pulled the colors in the 902 family. I lined the darkest to the lightest in the colors suggested, and lined up the 902 family from darkest to lightest and then substituted those colors for the suggested colors.
Thanks for your kind words. I love doing cross stitch, love to change the colors, the floss, the fabric. Love the overdyed fabric a lot.
aarrgghhh, my comment didn't publish and didn't say it was awaiting your review, so I hope I'm not duplicating here.
WELCOME to the Totally Useless SAL. Thanks for joining us and I hope you have lots and lots of fun with us. I'm doing the new Totally Useless Members list today and my eyes are getting computer burn right now, but I'll get back soon and check out your lovely stitching. I love the latest fairy!
they all look great! ... im also stitching fairy grandmother is the SAL... i love the color changes i liked it too but wasnt to happy with the yelloe either but im not as creative id be to scared to change anything heehee
Don't be afraid to change the colors in a pattern. Pull the color changes that you want and lay them on your fabric. If you don't like the color changes, then pull some more colors till you get the changes you like. I sometimes also use a color wheel to find colors that work off each other.
Oh Paula, You do some gorgeous stitching. Well done. You make me want to get my stitching out.
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