I want to get a fat 1/2 of 28 ct lugana Heritage so I can do Rosewood Manor's Past and Present

They are going to introduce their 6 new colors and I can't wait! I already have about 20 different pieces of their fabric, do I need more? YES I DO !!!!!
I have been working on Mirabilia Bliss Fairy. I am working on her wings, I am doing the wings with a variety of DMC flower thread (which is discontinued) and Needle Necesssities (which is no more, now there is Threadworx which I love too!)
I have started Long Dog Samplers - Scarlet Riband which I plan to do it with various red overdyed floss.
I am working of Wiehenburg Samplers Coat of Arms which I am loving it!
I am also working on LHN Mayflower Landing- I love their patterns! I am almost done with that one.
I am almost finished with Butternut Road Earth Dancer- after picking it up again after a few years only to find the suede that was called for to do the fringe on the outfit just dissolved with the slightest of touch, I decided to pick a overdyef floss to do the fringe with all over again, I have the fringe done, just have a little bit on the trees in the background to do and then look over it for missed stitches and places where a bead should be. I should be finished with that one in a week. Woohoo!
I am on part two of Birds of a Feather mystery , I am doing it on Picture this plus Doubloon. I did not like the fabric that it called for, and for those that know me.......CHANGE ! was called for LOL
I have received so many compliments on doing it on Doubloon.
I started Mirabilia Mediterranean Mermaid on Picture This Plus Phantom and I love it!
On a crazy note: Come April 1st - April Fool's Day I am going to start Heaven and Earth Designs - The Sistine Chapel!!!! This is not a April Fool's joke! I am going to buy the pattern in a few days. I have already bought the fabric - 28 ct Ivory Lugana I am going to work on it every sunday. I have designated sunday as HAED stitching day. Last sunday I almost put in 200 stitches on HAED St.Nick in his study.
I have also bought 28 ct. Lambswool Jobelan to do ByGone Stitches Quaker Christmas II on. I haven't even finished Quaker Christmas I yet! I am almost finished with page 5 of I, but I saw it, I had to have it LOL.
On a side note, not related to cross stitching at all I want to tell everyone----------------------------
I have knitted for almost 37 yrs and this is the first pattern that I could not understand the pattern. Thanks to Mary at Heritage Hut in Wichita, Ks with her help we decoded the pattern so I could finish it for my grandson Mason before he graduated from high school!!!!!
I am also working on Blackbird Designs Beneath the Sunlit Sky, I like it and I am halfway finished with it, but they wanted the house to be antique rose REALLY? NO WAY !!!!! I changed it DUH LOL
I am also working on Kustom Krafts Falcon 2, there are a lot of color changes to it so it is going slow but it will be a nice addtion to my Indian wall in my front room.